Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Role Modle
David Burrell English 9 Mr. Kinrick 20 May 2012 Male Role Models, Do Boys Need Them or Not? Good examples can impact little youngsters in great manners and in terrible ways. Great good examples can support little youngsters create positive attributes and awful good examples can support young men create negative qualities. As a rule, great good examples help little youngsters set great objectives, grow great qualities and use sound judgment. It is intriguing that occasionally, a terrible good example can affect a little fellow. For instance, a little fellow can watch terrible conduct and conclude that he wouldn't like to duplicate that awful behavior.However, this is a special case. As a rule, little youngsters should try to duplicate the conduct of good examples and maintain a strategic distance from terrible good examples. As little fellows develop into men, they build up their qualities and figure out how to settle on choices and how to pick directly from wrong. Little fellows need great male good examples. In the four stories secured by this paper, are instances of young men following good examples. Some follow great good examples and some pick awful ones. In Old Man and the Sea, there is one kid, Manolin and one good example, the elderly person. The elderly person is a decent good example and Manolin benefits and learn important lessons.In Lord of the Flies, there are a few young men and a few good examples, however the two fundamental good examples are Jack and Ralph. The young men figure out how to do things the correct route from Ralph, the great good example, and how to do things incorrectly from Jack, the terrible good example. In Of Mice and Men, George, an astute and critical man is the good example. Lennie, a man of constrained capacities, is secured by his good example, George. George and Lenny are companions. Their relationship is advantageous to every one of them since George can ensure his companion, Lennie and, Lennie can abstain from being mis handled by others since he is secured by his job model.In Hamlet, there is no conspicuous good example. Hamlet shows that individuals can settle on choices without a good example. The good example circumstances for every one of these accounts are clarified in the accompanying sections. In Old Man and the Sea, Manolin’s male good example is Santiago. Manolin needs to figure out how to angle like Santiago. Manolin admires Santiago as a good example. Santiago acknowledges this ‘role model’ type job and attempts to educate Manolin. Santiago likewise educates Manolin directly from wrong. Santiago calls attention to Manolin that he should pay for things as opposed to taking them: â€Å"Two, ‘the elderly person concurred. â€Å"You didn’t take them? I would, ‘the kid said†. â€Å"But I brought these. †â€Å"Thank you,†the elderly person said. He was too easy to even think about wondering when he had achieved modesty. In any cas e, he realized he had accomplished it and he realized it was not offensive and it conveyed no loss of genuine pride†(Hemingway 3). Now in the story, the elderly person felt a feeling of pride. He had shown Manolin a helpful life exercise, not to take. He realized the Manolin didn't yet comprehend what he had realized, yet Santiago accepted that Manolin would recall this exercise. The elderly person was Manolin’s good example, companion and friend. He instructed him to have quality of character and to have confidence in the truth.It was the activity of the elderly person to educate and go down what he realized throughout everyday life so life would be simpler for Manolin. Manolin’s kinship and regard for the elderly person made it simple for the kid to gain from his good example. This is like what occurs in Lord of the Flies. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack, both have man like characteristics to become men and do become men. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph and J ack become two distinct pioneers of two totally different gatherings. Jack’s bunch is the defiant kind. They do anything they desire. Ralph’s bunch consistently follows orders: Ralph checked. â€Å"I’m boss then††¦ â€Å"Jack’s responsible for the choir.They can beâ€what do you need them to be? †â€Å"Hunters. †Jack and Ralph grinned at one another with modest preferring. †(Golding 23) Ralph being the main shows that he has initiative characteristics. At the point when he blew on the Conch everybody reacted and came running. By him doing that, that made everybody make him the boss. Young men figure out how to become men by gazing upward to other men. For this situation, they are admiring another kid who has similar characteristics that other men have. Those characteristics could be positive or negative. Jack is the good example for those young men that have a bold nature. That is the reason Jack turns into the pioneer of the chasing party.His bold nature permits him to not have dread when he is out chasing wild creatures. Presently after Lord of the Flies onto the third story Of Mice and Men. In Of Mice and Men, George is Lennie’s good example. The story doesn't talk about how George and Lennie shaped their kinship, however it specifies that they have a mutual dream to one day own their own land parcel. Lennie has mental impediments. He cherishes stroking delicate things, similar to little cats, delicate materials and different things. Lennie is reliant on George for assurance and security. Lennie isn't a pioneer. He is happy with allowing George to lead and following George’s lead.George is Lennie’s â€Å"protector†from individuals who need to hurt him. George discloses to Lennie how to shield himself: â€Å"Don’t let him pull you inâ€butâ€if the bastard socks youâ€let ‘im have it. †â€Å"Let ‘im have what, George? †(Steinb eck, 16). Shockingly, in any event, when George attempts to secure Lennie, Lennie shows how vulnerable he is. Lennie still doesn't comprehend what â€Å"let ‘im have It†implies. Lennie certainly needs a defender. In Of Mice and Men, Lennie is completely upbeat doing whatever George recommends. Luckily for Lennie, George is a sort, mindful and securing kind of job model.Without George as a good example, Lennie would not endure long. In the event that George was a terrible good example, Lennie would not make it past the main part of the story. Lennie certainly profits by having a positive good example. This isn't the situation in Hamlet. In Hamlet, there are no good examples. Hamlet doesn't have a good example. Hamlet utilizes his own qualities and settles on his choices without the advantage of a good example. Hamlet made up a play to see whether his uncle truly poisoned his father and slaughter him: â€Å"I’ll have these players Play something like the homicide of my dad before mine uncle. I’ll watch his looks. I’ll tent him to the quick.If’ a do flinch, I know my course††¦ â€Å"I’ll have grounds More relative than this. The play’s the thing Wherein I’ll get the still, small voice of the lord. †(Shakespeare lns. 535-546) Hamlet was not driven by a good example and he didn't follow anyone’s choice. Hamlet did what he thought was ideal. At the point when Hamlet incidentally executed Polonius, Hamlet decided to be haughty and to act like it was anything but a mishap. This was an awful choice. Hamlet ought to have conceded this was a mishap. In the event that he had done this he would not have caused Ophelia, his fiancee to detest him. This story is a model that shows that individuals can settle on choice without a job model.This recommends that good examples are not required. Notwithstanding, in the event that we break down Hamlet’s choices, we can see that Hamlet se ttled on some terrible choices. On the off chance that Hamlet had the advantage of a decent male good example, he would have likely settled on better choices. It is obvious to see that good examples impact the manner in which little youngsters settle on their choices. Positive good examples like Santiago, in Old Man and the Sea, Ralph in Lord of the Flies and George Milton in Of Mice and Men had a solid positive and useful effect. Manolin figured out how to angle, from an extraordinary angler. Manolin likewise learned not to take. Young men who hose Ralph as their good example figured out how to make the best choice, how to endure and how not to become savages. Lennie took in the benefit of having a good example and companion who thought about and secured him. Then again Hamlet settled on his own choices without the assistance of a good example. While Hamlet was not affected by a terrible good example, which is something to be thankful for, Hamlet could have settled on better choice s in the event that he had a positive good example. In the event that Manolin didn't learn not to take, he could have an existence of wrongdoing as a criminal rather than an effective life as an incredible angler. Little youngsters obviously need positive good examples.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Thoreau a kind of American Mahatma Ghandhi Essay Example For Students
Thoreau a sort of American Mahatma Ghandhi Essay The vast majority believe Thoreau to be in the shadow of Wordsworth. Thoreau unequivocally tries to dodge Emerson any place he can't overhaul him straightforwardly. Just Walden was absolved from reproach. Thoreau was a sort of American Mahatma Ghandhi, a Tolstoyan recluse rehearsing local expressions and specialties out in the forested areas. He was not so much an oppositional or rationalistic mastermind, similar to Emerson, however absolutely an oppositional character, as the sacrosanct Emerson was most certainly not. Being likewise something of an elitist, again and dissimilar to Emerson, Thoreau couldn't generally oversee Emersons developing a sort of Longinian talk by citing without reference. Walden, for its relentless force, is much of the time uncomfortable in view of an implicit nearness, or an interminable nonappearance that should be a nearness, and that expressed in Thoreaus diary: Emerson doesn't think about things in regard to their fundamental utility, yet a significant fractional and relative one, as gems maybe. His tests pass one side of their focal point of gravity. His embellishment is of a section, not of the entirety. This is just a frail misreading of Emerson. In any case, it ascribes to Emerson what is really Thoreaus amendment of Emerson. We will compose a custom paper on Thoreau a sort of American Mahatma Ghandhi explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Thoreau was additionally a sort of Gnostic, yet the renegade Thoreau stayed a Wordsworthian, perusing nature for confirmations of a coherence in the ontological self that nature just couldn't give. Walden is considered as both a basic and a troublesome book, straightforward in that perusers feel a feeling of solidarity. It is troublesome in that they have been diligently puzzled and once in a while urged in structure. The essential inquiry is to look for what Walden implies. There is likewise the worry with Waldens style. Waldens importance can be clarified in two distinct manners. The first is by presenting a qualification among structure and substance which at the same time concentrates consideration on the topic of structure and decreases substance to minimal more than forbidding. From the primary move follows the additionally fascinating and progressively inescapable second significance. The distraction with Waldens formal characteristics turns Waldens importance from a basic perspective. The attestation is to look at the type of any abstract ancient rarity, which is to recognize its fundamental solidarity, along these lines the worry with Waldens basic completeness is coordinated well in the book. At the end of the day, one can say that the basic lesson of Walden is the prudence of straightforwardness. Thoreau subbed words like destitution, a word which set him apart from his materialistic neighbors. By neediness, he stated, effortlessness of life and fewness of episodes, I am set and solidified, as a fume or fluid by cold. It is a particular grouping of solidarity and vitality and flavor. Celibacy is interminable associate with the All. My diffuse and vaporous life becomes as ice leaves and spiculae brilliant as diamonds on the weeds and stubble an a winter morning. Such neediness or immaculateness was a need of Thoreaus economy. By straightforwardness, which Thoreau called neediness, his life gets focused and composed. Walden filled Thoreaus quick need of self-treatment. In this viewpoint, Walden is the goals Thoreau had the option to satisfy through craftsmanship. He had affected his own goals through careful undertaking and develop peacefulness. Be that as it may, this peacefulness of Thoreau, is a triumph of control. He says it is the most elevated point throughout everyday life, which requires the most elevated and best order. To get one with Nature is to turn into a spirit mirroring the totality of a being. His longing to see things genuinely and basically brought about his conviction that deadly coarseness is the consequence of blending paltry undertakings of men. So as to legitimize his commitment to immaculateness he composed Walden. He accepted that when men can locate his characteristic community, a guarantee of the higher society man is conceivable. Like different works of his time, it has the one of a kind exertion of American sentimentalism. It has great independence and the craving for understanding. .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f , .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .postImageUrl , .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f , .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:hover , .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:visited , .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:active { border:0!important; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:active , .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72f bb445bdd4f .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u08b73c57953b7ac37ad72fbb445bdd4f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Annie Lennox EssayIn the end, Thoreau expressed that if a keeps an eye on compositions are deciphered more than one variant, it is viewed as a ground for grumbling. He needed Walden to be a reality genuinely and totally expressed, else he would have thought of it as a disappointment if is served uniquely to convey an unconventionalities refusal to oblige society, whenever taken truly. Walden is an encounter of the enormous goes of oneself. At Walden lake, he composed that the creative mind of oneself is the best image of our life. He went to Walden lake since he needed to discover a spot where you can walk and think with the least hindr ance. He needed a street where he could venture out and to recoup the lost kid that he is with no ringing of a ringer. The idea of the control of crude worries with basics like structure a hovel, planting, reaping beans, angling and naturalizing, gives every it profound quality. Walden was Thoreaus journey for a reality he had lost, and it was a mission for virtue. Virtue to Thoreau was an arrival to the spring of life, to the brilliant age of his childhood and faculties. Superintendent follows the pattern of creating cognizance, a cycle that matches the difference in the seasons. It involved cleansing since Thoreau had arrived at the winter of rot at the time Walden was being modified for the press. Thoreau was not a naturalist but rather a characteristic student of history of the astuteness utilizing common realities as images for his mission for motivation. He said that the normal world reflects ourselves. In this sense, the Walden lake was the image. His motivation was not to come back to nature, yet to consolidate the solidness of savages with the savvy of the humanized man. The humanized man to Thoreau, is an increasingly experienced and more astute savage; Life is most compensating when chaneled by scholarly standards.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Resignation Letter Sample for Quitting Your Job Like a Pro
Resignation Letter Sample for Quitting Your Job Like a Pro Are you one of those lucky people who loves his or her current job? Perhaps you belong to the other group, anxiously browsing for your next career move. Whichever group you belong to, chances are you aren’t working in your final job position â€" according to the latest statistics, the average person holds around 12 jobs in his or her lifetime.The majority of those changes won’t â€" hopefully â€" occur because you were fired, but rather because you were jumping in on another opportunity. Indeed, there are many reasons for quitting your job and all those reasons require you to write a resignation letter.A resignation letter tells the employer you’re voluntarily terminating your contract. While it might not be mandatory, it does make the whole process less messy and ensures you don’t burn the bridges with your previous employer.Indeed, according to an OfficeTeam survey around 86% of HR managers say the way you’ve quit your previous job affects your future career opportunities. You don’t want to do it the wrong way.So, how do you write a resignation letter like a pro? Here are the five keys to a good resignation letter, the main things to consider when writing one, and an example template for you to use. THE 5 KEYS TO A GOOD RESIGNATION LETTERWhen writing a resignation letter, your focus must be on five things:Keep it shortDon’t turn a resignation letter into a novel. You shouldn’t use it as an opportunity to explain your life story and you definitely don’t want to make excuses in your resignation letter. This is not a document for lengthy explanations as to what happened and why you’re resigning.If further discussions are needed, you can ask to do so with the manager face-to-face. Your resignation letter should inform, not explain.Recognize the contractYou should also show an understanding of your employment contract in your resignation letter. This shows respect towards your current employer and highlights a level of professionalism in dealing with the issue.You, ideally, need to show in your resignation letter that you are not in violation of it by resigning. For example, you might have a term that determines how long you must work from the moment of the resignation letter .The general guideline is to provide a two-week notice, which means working for two weeks after your resignation letter. However, be also prepared for the employer for asking you to leave immediately. It’s important to leave your employment contract to fully understand your rights and responsibilities in this situation.Remember the formal stuffIt might seem a bit obvious advice but remember the resignation letter is an official document. You show professionalism by including the elements of an official letter into it. These include:The date of the letterThe position you are resigning fromThe last day you’ll work for the organizationYour real signature at the endIt’s a good idea to check who you’re supposed to address the resignation letter to. In many organizations, it might be your closest manager, while in others it might be the head of the department or HR. You can check the company policy with the HR department or your manager.Be thankful for the opportunity and avoid pe rsonal criticismYou should never turn the resignation letter into a critique of the organization, the position or the management. If you have issues you want to talk about, then do this in a conversation â€" such as the end of employment discussion â€" but not in the letter.Instead of criticizing the employer or your colleagues, you want to thank them for the opportunity you were given. Even if you didn’t enjoy working there, you don’t want to burn bridges â€" after all, the employer did take a chance on you and hired you. Even though things didn’t work out, you had an opportunity to work and grow.Offer helpFinally, you want to make it clear you want this transition to be as smooth as possible. No matter what you think about your employer, they are going to have a disruption since you’re leaving â€" your job is to try to make it as pain-free as possible.Offer assistance in possibly helping with this transition period or even training and finding the new employee. You should also show your willingness to talk about the resignation â€" it doesn’t mean you should change your mind, but it can help your employee improve if they know your reasons behind it.However, when offering help, only offer it in a way you are comfortable giving. Don’t promise to do this and that if you know you won’t do it.2 THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN WRITING A RESIGNATION LETTERWhen writing your resignation letter, you have to consider two key things: how quick your resignation is going to be and the reason you’re leaving your job.How to professionally reflect on these two points with your resignation letter?The timeline for your resignationDepending on your contract, you could be quitting your job immediately or after a specific period. This will naturally influence the wording on your resignation letter.Now, when deciding the last date of work, you need to focus on two things:What does the contract say? Read the employment contract and understand your rights and responsibilitie s.When do you want/need to stop? Your reason for quitting might also influence your date of choice â€" for example, is the family relocating or do you start in a new job on a certain date?When you’ve considered the above points, you can start thinking about the wording of your letter. Below are a few examples based on your resignation timeline:The basic two-weeks notice24-hours/Effective immediatelyI’m writing to announce my resignation from my position as Accounts Manager, effective two weeks from this date. I’m writing to inform you that I’m resigning from my position at Accounts Manager due weeks from this date. Please accept this as my formal notice of resignation from my position at Accounts Manager at ZYX. My last day will be May 17, 2017, two weeks from today.Please accept this letter as notification that I am resigning from my job as Accounts Manager effective tomorrow. I apologize for not being able to give more notice. I’m writing to inform you my resignation from my position as Accounts Manager, effective tomorrow. I regret to inform you that I am resigning immediately from my position as Accounts Manager. My last day will be tomorrow. I apologize for the short notice.The important thing to remember here is to add regret to your more immediate resignation letter. You don’t want to just inform your resignation, but show you understand the disruptiveness of such a sudden statement. Whether you should dive into the reasoning of this sudden move is discussed next.The reason for resignationWhile you don’t need to provide a reason for your resignation, you might still want to consider it â€" especially, if you are leaving with immediate effect. The reason might help make the resignation a little less painful for the employer and ensures you don’t have to quit and burn your bridges.As mentioned, there is no need to provide a reason but it can be more professional to reflect on it. When thinking about reflecting on the reason for quitti ng, keep in mind these points:You don’t want to mention your real reason for quitting if it’s something negative about your current employer â€" remember this wasn’t the place and time for putting forward complaints but a letter to inform.You don’t want to mention your new job or employer in detail, especially if they are the direct competitors of your current employer.You might want to mention your reason if it’s a family reason, such as a death in the family, sickness, or relocation.You might want to mention your reason if it’s a complete lifestyle change or you are going after your dream â€" again, this should be something completely different to what you are doing now and involve no career change to a competitor.Again, it’s important to maintain a level of professionalism and formality â€" you don’t need to explain or justify your reasons here. However, if you think the reason will help the employer understand and reflect on your decision and you are comfortable to share it, you can do so.In terms of how to talk about your reasons, here are some example statements you should include to your job resignation letter:Generic reason letter (usually for change in career)I feel my career has now taken a move into a different direction and it is time for me to move on to new opportunities. I have accepted a new opportunity that gives me a chance to continue to grow professionally, as well as stay close to my family.RelocationI will relocate to the ZYX area in the near future. I will be relocating to ZYX in order to be closer to my family. My family has made the decision to relocate to ZYX, which is why I’m offering my resignation.Further educationI plan to return to my studies and finish a higher degree in Accounting at XYZ University. I’ve decided to pursue my academic interests further and I have accepted a place at XYZ University.Personal/family reasonsI’m resigning due to personal reasons. I regret to inform you of this but there has been an illness in my family and I will want to focus on sorting it out. My decision is based on family reasons that require my full attention.A TEMPLATE FOR A PROFESSIONAL RESIGNATION LETTERWith the above in mind, here is a classic template of a professional resignation letter. It has all the five elements and pays attention to the two key considerations. You can use this in a variety of situations and simply tweak it slightly to better fit your current situation.Your contact informationFirst Last NameHome addressCity, ZIP CodeHome phone numberEmail addressThe date of the letterEmployer contact informationNameTitleOrganisationOrganisation’s addressCity, ZIP codeSalutationDear Mr/Ms/Mrs Last NameDear TitleFirst paragraphState the purpose of the letter (resignation), mention your position, and identify when the resignation becomes effective.I’m writing today to give my resignation as Accounts Manager and to inform you that my last day of work will be May 16, 2017.Middle paragra phExplain the possible reasoning for the resignation (if appropriate) and thank the employer for the opportunities you’ve had.I have enjoyed working at the company and I will miss working with the team. I’m grateful for the skills I’ve gained over the past four years and will cherish my time.Final paragraphConclude by offering your assistance during the transition and offer the opportunity for further discussion.If there is anything I can help to ease with the transition, don’t hesitate to ask. I can provide a quick cheat sheet for my follower or temporary replacer regarding the client list. Closing marks Respectfully yoursWith regardsBest regards,SignatureHandwritten or typed depending on the letterThe sentences in italics are example sentences you can use at each point of the resignation letter. You can use the template as it is or adjust it according to your situation. The key is to focus on sticking to the format above and to use the above tips as your guidance when wri ting your own resignation letter.QUITTING YOUR JOB LIKE A PRO WITH A PROFESSIONAL RESIGNATION LETTERWe change our jobs for a variety of reasons. But no matter what your reasons are, you don’t want to burn bridges. Staying professional will always boost your career chances in the future â€" you never know who you’ll meet from your past to influence your future. When writing a resignation letter, you want to focus on the main thing: using it to inform. It’s not about explaining, making excuses or trying to be apologetic â€" you’ve made your decision and now you are acting like an adult, informing your employer about it.Stick to short, sweet and simple, keeping it polite and professional. These will guarantee your resignation letter helps you quit your job like a pro.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Professions in French
If youre going to live and work in France, get to know the terms for the professions in Fench. Its impossible to list all possible professions, but there are some common ones you should know. Note that many French professions have only a masculine form. Even if you are a female professor, for example, you would have to say that you are un professeur, which takes the masculine form, including the masculine article, un. The terms below are listed in alphabetical order according to the English word for the profession for easy reference. The first column contains the word for the profession in English, while the second contains the correct French articleâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€¹un for masculine terms and une for feminine wordsâ€â€followed by the word in Fench. Click on each French term to hear the proper way to pronounce it. Note that while in English, it is to simply say the word for the profession, such as actor, in French the word is almost always preceded by the article. Study the table, and listen to the pronunciations in French, and youll soon be saying un boucher, un boulanger, un fabricant de bougeoirsâ€â€the butcher, the baker, the candlestick makerâ€â€like a French-speaking native. French Professions Profession in English French Translation actor un acteur actress une actrice artist un(e) artiste baker un boulanger, une boulangre butcher un boucher carpenter un charpentier cashier un caissier, une caissire civil servant un(e) fonctionnaire cook un chef dentist un(e) dentiste doctor un mdecin electrician un lectricien employee un(e) employ(e) engineer un ingnieur fireman un pompier lawyer (barrister) un avocat, une avocate maid une femme de chambre manager un grant mechanic un mcanicien nurse un infirmier, une infirmire painter un peintre pharmacist un pharmacien, une pharmacienne plumber un plombier police office un policier receptionist un(e) rceptionniste secretary un(e) secrtaire student un tudiant, une tudiante teacher un professeur* waiter un serveur waitress une serveuse writer un crivain Notes About Un, Une, and Etre In Canada and parts of Switzerland, the feminine form une professeure exists. In France, however, this is usually considered incorrect. On the other hand, you can say une prof., a slang way of saying a professor or a teacher. Note that the feminine article, une, is fine in this case if you are referring to a female educator. Do not use an article between the verb à ªtre and someones profession, as in these examples:    Je suis peintre. - Im a painter.   Il va à ªtre mà ©decin. - Hes going to be a doctor. Social Norms In France, asking about what someone does for a living is considered a personal question. If you have to ask, be sure to preface your question with Si ce nest pas indiscret ... , which translates as, If you dont mind my asking ... After you learn the terms for professions in French, take a little extra time to learn what a typical French conversation between two people would look like. This will give you a chance to see how French articles, as well as noms (nouns), conjonctions (conjunctions), adjectifs (adjectives), and adverbes (adverbs) fit into a dialogue in French.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Ethics and Moral Theories Free Essay Example, 1250 words
Feminist ethics can be subdivided into Care Focused feminist ethics and Status Oriented Feminist ethics. Care focused feminist ethics challenged the ontological supposition that the more separated one is from others, the more fully developed the self is. They also challenged the assumption that the more universal, impartial and rational knowledge is, the more it is a reflection of reality. Status Oriented feminist approaches ask questions about power, before moving on to questions about good versus evil, justice versus care and maternal versus paternal thinking. Nonconsequentalism: - The nonconsequential school of ethical theorists believes that consequences should not enter into our moral judgments and decisions. The actual criterion of judging actions are not consequences, rather we judge actions according to intuitions, intentions, drive and command, etc. It also argues that we cannot generalize from rules or principles because each situation has a different context and can have different implications. Non consequentialist theories can be further subdivided into Act Nonconsequentalist theories and rule nonsequentalist theories. Act nonconsequentalists believe that appeal to emotions, drive or intuitions makes people arrive at moral conclusions. This theory allows us to get an immediate sense of right and wrong and we by default know what feels right or wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Moral Theories or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now It is argued, however that, intuitions are guesses and not really reliable, there is no proof of an innate moral sense and intuitions cannot be criticized. Rule Nonconsequentalists believe that there can be rules of procedures to guide our moral conduct and judgments independent of their consequences. This theory follows the principles of divine command that relies on rules laid down by a Higher Authority to make moral judgments. Divine Command theory: Divine command is a non consequentialist theory that believes in the existence of a Higher Authority and relies on such Higher Authority to pass judgments on moral conduct. This belief is comparable to a religious belief that says that the word of the God is final when deciding morally acceptable behavior (West, 2004). Kant’s Duty Ethics: Kant’s theory stems from his arguments about misconceptions about the purpose of life and what makes one happy. He argues that if the purpose of life was to achieve happiness, we shall all seek gratification and pleasure and believe that it shall lead to happiness. But happiness is not within out power to achieve, and is at times, a matter of luck.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Voices of Freedom Critique Free Essays
This selection, Letter by a Female Indentured Servant, really gives you incite as to what life was like in the 1700s as an indentured servant. (Foner, 2011) The reader can really feel the pain she is going through while she was in America trying to pay her dues for passage to what they thought was the promise land. She wanted to ensure her father really knew what kind of horrible life she was living because of the details she included like she was whipped to the degree that she now serves the animals. We will write a custom essay sample on Voices of Freedom Critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now Apparently, you didn’t speak of the horrible things that would occur as an indentured servant because she writes to her father that she hopes he will pardon the boldness of her complaints and she also hope that he will take pity on her. I feel like she would have been an indentured servant for a very long time because she writes to her father that she is banished forever from his sight and is practically begging for sympathy. Also read this Critique of Stuff Is Not Salvation However, I am surprised that she was even allowed to write to her family because she describes her life as working very hard almost day and night and often in the horse’s drudgery with the slave masters saying that she doesn’t do half enough work. She also feels that this is the type of work she needs to do for the respect of her father, uncles, aunts, and all friends. On the complete and opposite side of the spectrum, the Letter by a Swiss-German immigrant to Pennsylvania shows that this immigrant was very content with his decision to come to America. Foner, 2011) He now lives in a free country where one can settle anywhere he wants when the land is bought or leased. He thinks a free country is where a person has the right to own property and he focuses on this one freedom and doesn’t even think about the other statues. This immigrant really feels he has in fact found the promise land and that he wants his family to come and join him. In my opinion, I think he c omes from a wealthier family, so maybe he didn’t have to work as an indentured servant because he could just pay for his travel to America. He also states he can buy things like shoes for more reasonably in Pennsylvania than in Germany. These two letters are taken from two very different perspectives and shows you how some people were treated inhumane and some were treated very kindly depending on their social statuses in the 1700s. In the except from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, he did not talk about the horrible treatment of a slave like beatings they would receive or how they were not fed but rather how they were ripped away from their family and friends. (Foner, 2011) The author wanted the reader to realize that they were parted from family and friends because of the greed of the white man and that this is the new refinement in cruelty during those times. He made it known that the only positive aspect of being a slave was at least they were able to be with their friends and family, but now the white man had taken that away. He is asking the white men to liv e up to their perceived belief in liberty and that all men are created equal according to their god. He also is asking, why the African people should give up their comfort of being together because the white men want their luxuries. In the excerpt taken from Pontiac, Speeches the author makes it known that the Indians were not backing down from the Englishmen because they were before the Englishmen and their ancestors had passed down the land to them. . (Foner, 2011) The Indians followed the Great Spirit which was like their idea of a god. The Great Spirit had told Neolin that the Indians had forgotten their customs and traditions and now had become more comfortable with the Englishmen which shamed their ancestors. Their god is basically trying to inform the Indians that if they get too close to the enemies then they will take all the land and food that they had worked so hard for and once they eliminated the English then they would be back in good graces with the Great Spirit. The moral of the story is to not let your guard down for a second, or the enemy will consume you and everything you own. From the article Petition of Committee in Behalf of the Freedmen to Andrew Johnson shows the author of the letter is pleading with the President not to take away their land that they worked so hard to keep after they were freed. (Foner, 2011) The freedmen are saying that they were abused and oppressed on the land and now should be allowed to purchase any land. Basically the freedmen now wanted equal rights because every other free person were allowed to purchase a home in their hometown so why shouldn’t the freed slaves be allowed to purchase land also. They felt like President Johnson was not upholding President Lincoln’s proclamation. Even though the freedmen tried so hard President Johnson did not change his policy. A Sharecropping Contract, shows that few former slaves were allowed to acquire land but not without completing hard labor on their part. Foner, 2011) Essentially, the former slaves were still working in the same capacity as they were before except this time they were able to sell some of the crops. They also had to pay for any damages made to the stock and had to supply everything that was needed to harvest the crops. The Freed men were the land owner’s employees instead of slaves. They also had to harvest one half of the crops for the land owner. This contract is very one sided, and I’m not sure that this is any better than being a slave. How to cite Voices of Freedom Critique, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The baddest free essay sample
Religious issues rose to the surface, political Ideals crystallized, and, as always, economics were the essence of many debates. For their part, the British found the colonists unwilling to pay their fair share for the administration of the Empire. After all, citizens In England paid more In taxes than was asked of any American during the inure time of . The 1770 Boston Massacre was only one In a series of events that led American colonists to revolt against Britain.This was not the first time American colonists found themselves In a dispute with Great Britain. But this time the cooler heads did not prevail. Every action by one side brought an equally strong response from the other. The events during these important years created sharp divisions among the English people, among the colonists themselves, and between the English and the Colonists. Over time, the geographic distance between England and the colonies became more and more noticeable. We will write a custom essay sample on The baddest or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It took England time to respond to Colonial provocations and to administer the settled areas of America. Further, some now questioned how it could be that a tiny island nation could contain and rule the American continent. Before long, The Treaty of Paris, which marked the end of the French and Indian War, granted Britain a great deal of valuable North American land. But the new land also gave rise to a plethora of problems. At this time the point of no return was reached.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Middle Ages Essay free essay sample
In the modern days, if someone was to sit down to watch a medieval movie, an ordinary person would immediately think of either war or battle between one city and another. But in reality, medieval consists of the corrupt world that the people of this period had to go through, and the things they were restricted from because they were either a women or low class. In â€Å"The Prologue†of The Canterbury Tales, by Chaucer. This medieval time period shows aspects that consist of gender roles, the treatment of the lower class, and the greediness. One aspect that was probably specifically towards women was gender roles. In the modern day society, woman have a lot more freedom then they had before; such as voting, working, being independent. But there are plenty of things that show how males treat females accordingly to their gender. For example, some say that woman cannot do certain things because, â€Å"it’s a man’s job†. We will write a custom essay sample on Middle Ages Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the medieval period woman were restricted from certain things, they couldn’t do things men could do. They were excepted to do all the things that regarded to either cleaning or taking care of children, as for the men; they were expected to do everything else. In the Wife of Bath, Chaucer shows how woman are viewed as absolutely nothing, with no respect. â€Å"Some say the things we most desire are these: Freedom to do exactly as we please†(111-112)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A women wants the self-same sovereignty†(214). In this quote, the author’s shows very clearly that woman actually WANT rights, and actually WANT to have a say is something, and they want the same freedom that males have as well. And in modern day society, women are STILL wanting to be as independent as a man, even though women still have rights. Woman don’t want to be looked upon as an object, or just someone who cleans and watch a man work, they want to be independent so they don’t have to lean on a man to take care of them. Another aspect that showed corruption of the medieval society was greed. Greed was something that everyone had in them at this time as well as now. It didn’t matter what class they were in; lower, middle, higher†¦ Everyone had at least a little greediness to themselves. Being greedy could lead into many things, as far as turning on someone, (stabbing them in the back), being selfish, etc. â€Å"The Pardoners Tale†is the perfect piece that shows medieval greediness. Showing how greediness could also be called backstabbing. â€Å"When he comes back, get up in fun. To have a wrestle. Then as you attack, I’ll up and put my dagger through his back†(225-227)†¦ â€Å"Then all this money will be ours†(230). The author demonstrates ways greediness COULD turn out between people when it comes to any luxurious thing, such as money. In modern day society greediness can turn into something serious, as in â€Å"The Pardoners Tale†everyone t urned out to be dead. So Chaucer is showing that, ANYTHING could happen, and when it comes to money; anyone would do anything just to keep it to themselves. The last aspect that this society had to go through, was treatment of lower class. This society treated lower class, and sometimes middle class differently from the higher class, just because they didn’t come from royalty or wasn’t as wealthy as others. A man from royalty wouldn’t even marry a women from the lower class. It was clear that they were definitely separated amongst how much money they had. Chaucer shows the treatment of lower class through â€Å"The Wife of Bathâ€Å", and shows how someone gets looked down upon for what money history they have. â€Å"You’re so old, and so abominably plain. So poor to start with, so low-bred to follow. It’s little wonder if I twist and wallow†(276-278). Chaucer shows the poor respect that the knight has for anyone, and it seems as if the knight was trying to put her down. Showing, that he doesn’t want to be with her because of her class. And in Modern day society, it’s the same wa y. Sometimes people judge others based on how they look. For example, if someone doesn’t have the latest new purse or the hottest shoes they’re â€Å"poor†or they just don’t have money. Therefore anyone higher, would never associate themselves with them or try to get to know the other person. In summery, just the thought of a society like this time period, nothing seemed to have any good outcome. It was all based off of the class these people were in. Like modern day, years back; there was no equality and it seemed like certain people were put in a category just like the medieval society. So, a movie would somehow be based off how much knowledge someone has on this time period. Gender roles, greediness and the treatment of the lower class was all that the society was and believed in and in time, no one thought about change. So woman had to live with the fact that they had no voice. People had to live with the fact, that greed was nothing but something being selfish. And lastly, the lower class just lived with being looked down upon so much.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Management and leadership essays
Management and leadership essays Much has debated on leadership and management over the years. One-way of differentiating the two terms is to say that leaders "do the right things" and that managers "do things right" (Warren Bennis). Management is an ambiguous term. Lots of literature on traditional management deals with planning, organizing, administration, monitoring, control and short-term horizon of the organizations. Other literatures relates to the soft elements like motivation, inspiration, participation, vision and value-creation in long term perspectives. The later, reflects what we often refer as to leadership (Bass 1994). What differentiates the two elements of the organization? In addition, what are the roles of the leaders? Is the talking point of this paper? Difference between Management and Leadership Although these two terms can be use interchangeably, they are in fact two very different qualities, complete with different personalities and behaviors. By learning whether one is more of a leader than a manager is, he or she will gain insight and self-confidence that comes with knowing more about them. We are going to take a look at different personality style of managers versus leaders, the attitude towards the goals, their basic conceptions of what work entails, their relationships with others, and their sense of self-identity and how it develops. Manager emphasizes rationality and control; they are problem solvers (focusing on goals, resources, organization structure, or people). They often ask question, What problems have to be solved, and what are the best ways to achieve results so that people will continue to contribute to this organization? They are persistent, tough minded, hard working, intelligent, analytical, and tolerant and have good will towards others. (WBC). Leaders are perceive as brilliant, but sometimes lonely, achieve control of themselves before trying to control others. They can...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Canada Geese Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Canada Geese - Research Paper Example s an aspect of how organisms relate to their environment and the adaptive features that are common among a certain population that makes them fit for a certain ecological area. This paper is going to discuss biological aspects with emphasis put on the Canada geese such as the habitats, reproduction, range, adaptations and ecology. Canada geese are water birds with big bodies, long neck, large and webbed feet, brown back and a tan breast. In addition, these birds have a black head, a chinstrap and white cheeks. These living organisms are characterized by their movements in flocks or in pairs. A habitat is basically an ecological area that is home to a certain species of living organisms. However, it is important to note that a habitat is not limited to geographical areas only, in the case of parasites such as viruses, the host is the habitat. A habitat is composed of both biological and physical factors. Biological factors include: predators, for instance a certain species might be forced to change its habitat due to the invasion of predators which could be threatening its extinction. For example, an increase in population of lions in a certain locality is a threat to the antelope population. Therefore antelopes would be forced to flee thus changing their habitats. All organisms need food for survival. Therefore depletion of food quantity in a certain locality is a biological factor that determines habitats for living organisms. A prolonged dry condition in a certain locality can result in encroachment of desert condition in that geographical locality; this therefore depletes food reservoirs for herbivores thus forcing them to flee to grounds that are food secure. Social factors are also vital as far as species habitation is concern. These factors include: soil types, moisture, availability of sun light and the temperature range. Specific species can survive in areas with a certain temperature range, thus change in this range is likely to evoke migration of that
Monday, February 3, 2020
Waste Elimination Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Waste Elimination - Coursework Example In the several groups identified by economist, Taiichi Ohno, there is the imperative need of identifying some of them and breaking them down in an effort to acquire greater understanding of their effects and subsequent characteristics. These waste groups include, damage caused by the waste to the environment, the waste in production and the waste brought about in motion. Baltimore Green Construction is a company based in Maryland that has made tremendous efforts in resolving the various waste issues experienced today. Focusing on the first category identified, there are very many effects caused by waste products to the environment and the affected are not only people, but also other organisms in the environment. One of the major problems that waste products have on the environment is pollution. Pollution is a problem that has affected many countries in the 21st century and the amount of waste products that bring about this is in a very large amount. Characterization of pollution is i nto three groups, one of the vast types is air pollution, the other type of pollution identified is water pollution, and then there is the less but still epidemic soil pollution. Focusing on air pollution, the major factor to identify with this is global warming. Many companies in the contemporary world manufacture and produce goods using industries and factories that do not have proper waste disposal systems. However, one of the ways through which Baltimore Green Construction has
Sunday, January 26, 2020
An Empty World To A Full World Environmental Sciences Essay
An Empty World To A Full World Environmental Sciences Essay For much of human history, the human population was low; its ability to harvest or extract natural resources and harness energy was within the carrying capacity of the biosphere; and anthropogenic waste, both quantitatively and qualitatively, was within the capacity of ecosystem sinks to absorb. As human population has grown and technology has advanced, consumption of resources and production of waste have vastly exceeded sustainable levels and now threaten to overwhelm ecosystem functions. An economic system designed for a world of unlimited resources and unlimited sinks is no longer functional in a world of finite resources and overflowing sinks. Prize-winning economist and former Senior Environmental Economist at the World Bank Herman Daly (born 1938) has devoted much of his professional life to creating a new conceptual framework for understanding the implications of these changes. Daly coined the term empty world to mean our earlier, if erroneous, view of the human role in relat ion to the biosphere and its resources, and full world to describe the present reality. In an empty world, it was possible to view human activity and the human economy as all encompassing, and the ecosystem as a subset of the economy, valuable primarily for its ability to supply throughput in the form of energy and stock-fund resources. When labor and human artifacts the things people make were in scarce supply, they were the limiting factors in human and economic development. Much of the focus of human endeavor was therefore on developing an infrastructure of technology to efficiently turn natural resources into needed manmade capital and artifacts. Throughput flowed from an apparently limitless abundance of resources to environmental sinks so apparently infinite that their services in absorbing and assimilating waste were not even assigned economic value or ownership. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR A FULL WORLD This picture is no longer realistic. The global economy, driven by surging population and consumption levels, has depleted both renewable and nonrenewable resources and degraded the air, water and land surfaces in the process. The ability of the biosphere to absorb and process the waste generated by economic processes is rapidly becoming overwhelmed. As natural capital is drawn down, we lose the very ecosystem services on which we rely to sequester carbon, regulate atmospheric gases, maintain climate, control flooding and erosion, form new soils, and recycle nutrients. [is this mine?] [full world graphic] This is the critical flaw in economic theory: it fails to take into account how economic processes consume resources and generate wastes, deplete resources and reduce assimilative capacities. Herman DalyNeoclassical economics was based on a preanalytic vision of unlimited growth unconstrained by questions of resource depletion or overwhelmed sinks. The framework for dealing with the new full world paradigm is provided by the emerging transdisciplinary field of ecological economics. If traditional, or neoclassical, economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources among competing interests using the market as the mechanism of distribution, then ecological economics is the study of how to balance competing needs for resources justly and sustainably among competing human and environmental interests within the constraints and limitations of the biosphere. While neoclassical economics has defined human welfare as the ability to satisfy wants, ecological economics searches for ways to reduce and redistribute consumption. Where neoclassical economics sees growth as a panacea, ecological economics, with its awareness of finite resources, sees growth as the problem. Where neoclassical economics measures progress in terms of per capita income and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), ecological economics utilizes alternative indicators of development such as the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). ECONOMIC CONCEPTS Some of the concepts which have emerged from ecological economics which are useful in understanding the full world paradigm are: Sustainable Scale is the level of consumption at which the economy functions within the bounds of biophysical carrying capacity, without drawing on natural capital. Optimal Scale is a concept from macroeconomics meaning the point at which marginal costs are equal to marginal benefits, ie the cost of producing a unit of product is equal to the benefit received. This concept can be extended to environmental impacts and social consequences as well. Uneconomic Growth All economic activities involve the throughput of materials and energy and a consequent cost to the environment. When the value of the natural capital being taken from the system is greater than the value of the manmade capital which is generated, Daly it uneconomic growth. This is a specific application of optimal scale to ecological economics. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS Natural Capital to draw an analogy from the monetary system, the ecological system can be visualized as being built upon a store of natural capital which yields interest in the form of natural resources and ecosystem services. If we are careful to live on the interest, the capital will last forever. When we dip into capital, as when we extract nonrenewable resources, overuse renewable resources, or overwhelm sinks, future income is reduced. Ecosystem Services The interactions of the plants, animals and resources within an ecosystem, and the results of those interactions, are called ecosystem functions. When an ecosystem function has a value to human beings, we call it an ecosystem service. In an empty world, ecosystem services were treated as open-access free goods. In a full world, ecosystem services are increasingly valuable. CAUSES OF A FULL WORLD HUMAN POPULATION GROWTH Sometime in July 2011, a baby will be born who brings the living human population of this planet to 7 billion. Using an exponential growth model, at our current 1.17% rate of growth, the population would be projected to double from 7 billion to 14 billion people in another 58 years. Although the historic population growth curve exhibits the classic hockey stick shape of exponential growth, most population scientists believe that a logistic growth equation, which adds calculations for death rates and ?, is a better model for predicting the future growth of the human population. Due to OVERCONSUMPTION LIVING IN A FULL WORLD SOURCE LIMITS Source limits: (see definition of source in Daly glossary, pg 440: That part of the environment that supplies usable raw materials that constitute he throughput by which the economy produces, and which ultimately returns as was to environmental sinks. ) Hubbert curve (graphic?) and resource scarcity (this will be a substantial section). I need to understand Hubbert curves. Check to see whether the graphics in EOE are sourced outside and write for permission to include an outside graphic. Vocab: depletion, Hubbert curve, The other huge change in carrying capacity is related to the new scarcity of natural resources. Economics has great difficulty in acting on the new scarcity and limits to growth. Distribution is also a problem with natural resources. RENEWABLE RESOURCES For every economically significant renewable resource, from forests to fisheries, the rate of extraction is now limited by scarcity, not by a lack of technology or equipment to extract it.-Herman Daly The term renewable resources is deceptive in a full world. If a resource is theoretically renewable but is being depleted faster than it can regenerate, the resource will eventually become exhausted. The worlds forests and fisheries are already critically depleted and are being consumed faster than they can regenerate. This issue has been called the tragedy of the commons.[link?] As stocks of a resource fall, it is in the common interest for individuals to use less. However, the individual forester, or the individual fisherman, has a family to feed and an investment in equipment which require that he continue to take as much of the resource as possible. Resources already depleted from overconsumption face additional threats from environmental degradation and climate change. Renewable resources depend heavily on ecosystem services such as rain. In turn, depletion of the natural capital through resource exhaustion threatens the ecosystem of which those populations are a part, thereby putting the ecosystem services provided by that ecosystem at risk. [graphic of this cycle] WATER Water occupies a unique position, not only because it is essential to life on the planet and plays a pivotal role in so many environmental processes, but because it has properties of both renewable and nonrenewable resources. Although the amount of water on earth is considered to be finite, the natural hydrologic cycle cleans and redistributes the supply in what have, until recently, been fairly predictable patterns. Human activities have made significant direct changes in the availability and distribution of water resources through pumping of aquifers, and the redirection, cooption, and pollution of natural flows of surface water. Human activity has also begun to make noticeable indirect changes in the distribution of rainfall and surface water through climate change. Water shortages may become the defining crisis for much of the worlds population in less time than it will take to test other facets of planetary carrying capacity. Worldwide, climate-related changes in rainfall are already being felt. A recent study by the Environmental Defense Fund, which added climate change projections to existing models of population growth and human water consumption patterns shows that 70% of the United States will be at risk for water shortages by the year 2050. In 35% of the country, the crisis is expected to be severe. NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES Every resource on the planet is limited to what is already here, with the exception of energy, which falls onto the earth at a fixed rate in the form of sunlight. This wealth is called natural capital. Some resources are nonrenewable, such as minerals [needs work] M. King Hubbart, a petroleum geologist, demonstrated that if you create a graph for the cumulative extraction of a nonrenewable resource over time, plotting the total extraction for a given period on a vertical axis, and time on the horizontal axis, the graph will form a bell curve starting at zero, before extraction began, rising gradually to a peak, and falling off again as the resource is depleted. The area under the curve measures the total available resource reserves. This type of graph is called a Hubbert curve. As the richest and most readily available resources are extracted first, many other mineral and other nonrenewable resources are now at or approaching peak on their respective Hubbart curves. [graph] FOSSIL FUELS AND ENERGY Fossil fuels are currently the predominant energy source in the world and a major component in vast numbers of manufactured products, from fertilizer and pesticides to plastic. Fossil fuels drive both the world economy and, through the release of greenhouse gases during combustion, climate change. A Hubbart curve demonstrates that oil production has peaked worldwide and is on the downward side of the curve. While oil reserves remain in the ground, both as crude and in oil shales, extraction of these reserves will be increasingly difficult and expensive, while the quality of the available reserves will decrease, requiring more technology to refine. SINK LIMITS Every economic activity produces waste. At one time, the earths ability to absorb waste was imagined to be unlimited. However, the sheer quantity of anthropogenic waste, much of which has no natural processes developed to break it down, means that land, air and water-based ecosystems are overwhelmed. Waste, of course, occurs during natural processes. However, the post-industrial waste stream has changed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative changes are due to human population and excessive consumption of manufactured goods. Anthropogenic waste includes chemicals and compounds not found in nature, naturally occurring substances purified or concentrated beyond what would be found in nature, and chemicals and minerals previously sequestered underground, has created a qualitative change in anthropogenic waste CARBON SINKS All living things are made up of carbons. Plants uptake waste carbon in the form of CO2 from the air and use it as building blocks, storing the carbon until it is released again through decay or combustion after the death of the plant. This process is called carbon sequestration. The cumulative ability of the earths plant life, as well as the phytoplankton in the oceans, to sequester carbon is called the carbon sink. Mathematicians are working to calculate the total capacity of the carbon sink. Excess carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. While debates occur over the exact amount of carbon which can be sequestered in the earths carbon sinks, the rising levels of atmospheric CO2 responsible for climate change are evidence that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are exceeding the capacity of the biospheric carbon sink. CLIMATE CHANGE CARRYING CAPACITY The total impact of the human population on the environment is dependent on the combination of the number of people and their per capita consumption of resources. Thus estimates of global carrying capacity are highly variable and controversial. The carrying capacity of the earth means the number of people who can be supported at a given rate of consumption with a given level of technology. Currently, 9.5 billion is considered to be the conservative estimate of the carrying capacity of the planet for human population, with some theorizing upper limits as high as 50 billion. However, it should be remembered that with a population approaching 7 billion today, over 1 billion people are chronically hungry or malnourished. One person dies of starvation every 3.6 seconds. Over the next decade, water issues are likely to be the largest threat to ecosystems and human survival in many parts of the globe. Estimates of the planets ability to support vast population increases assume empty-world a ccess to unlimited resources, a continued supply of ecosystem services, and development of new and unspecified technologies, which may or may not be consistent with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. [one planet-6 planets graphic] While waste and distribution problems play a part in the one billion people who are currently starving on Earth, it is highly unlikely that the planet can sustain another 7 billion with any reasonable quality of life. Estimates of the carrying capacity of the earth vary from 9.5 billion to 50 billion, but in point of fact, we have been drawing on reserves of many of the earths nonrenewable resources since 1980, when the earth only supported 3.5 billion people. This is analogous to spending the principle out of a savings account rather than drawing only the interest. It is likely that 3.5 billion is the number of people which the planet can comfortably support. FOOD The future of food production depends on human population, the impact of population growth on arable land, climate and weather, rates of topsoil depletion and degradation, and how decreasing stocks of oil will be allocated between the energy sector and the agricultural sector CHANGING THE PARADIGMS It is clear that we live in a full world and probably have for over a generation. It is imperative that we reduce both human population and levels of consumption, end the use of fossil fuels, and develop technologies to recycle close to 100% of scarce minerals and other resources, and focus on non-consumptive measures of quality of life. This will require a new economic paradigm. The neoclassical model, built on the empty world view of constant increases in system throughput, must be revisioned to conceptualize ways to optimize human welfare at or below current levels of throughput. This will require an emphasis on development rather than growth planet-wide, and reductions in consumption levels in the developed world. THE CRITICAL IMPORTANCE OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES The interactions of the plants, animals and resources within an ecosystem, and the results of those interactions, are called ecosystem functions. When an ecosystem function has a value to human beings, we call it an ecosystem service. These interactions are vast, complex, and incompletely understood, but without the natural ecosystems which surround us, we would have no air to breathe, no rain to water crops, no ability to assimilate any of the CO2 and other greenhouse gasses generated by human activity. Even the insects which pollinate our crops are an ecosystem service. Maintaining the requirements of life for other species is often seen in terms of the threat to competing human interests and becomes the focus of intense controversy. Because of the complexity of ecosystems, the subtle nature of the services they provide, and the fact that small losses to the web of life which makes up the living portion of the ecosystem often seem, at least at a casual glance, to have caused no damage, we have been slow to develop any system of valuation for ecosystem services. Efforts to assign value to natural capital have focused instead on stock-fund resources lumber, fish, maple syrup, pharmaceuticals, and crops. When environmental damage threatens a stock-fund resource, an industry, which represents a section of the economy, is threatened, and that is worthy of response, if only because if it is an industry, it has lobbyists and voters. Ecosystem services to the planet are reduced when their structural components are harvested as resources, and by unsustainable or toxic waste. One benefit of defining ecosystem services as services in the economic sense is that it places these services on a par with other economic services CONCLUSION SOURCES: Development, Heresy, And The Ecological Revolution:An open letter to the industrialized world by David C. Korten, Dancing Toward The Future (IC#32),Summer 1992, Page 30, The Context Institute An Essay on the Principle of Population by T. R. Malthus. 1798. _________
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Brandi Faulk English 421 Dr. Tiffany Adams February 15, 2013 The Man Himself Many people wonder who Marcus Garvey is. He was born a raised in St. Ann Bay Jamaica. During his young life Garvey was not aware of any racial segregation of whites and blacks. However, he had a few childhood friends. At the age of fourteen Garvey was called a â€Å"nigga†by one of his white friends and he was told that he could never be able to see his white friends again. Because of this incident, Garvey eyes were open to all of the racism surrounding him.Also because of this incident, he was no long close to any white people and racism and inequality became prevalent forces in Marcus’s life. As far as working Marcus as forced to work in labor because his parents were intellectuals, and the work was not cut out for then in the industrial country of Jamaica. Marcus and his sister, Indiana were forced to work in order for the family to have enough money to survive. In the 1910’s Marcus made a name for himself in Jamaica as an accomplished printer, writer, and politician.He joined The National Club, which was the first organization in Jamaica that introduced anti-colonial thinking into Jamaica. In inequality that Marcus encountered in the world outside of lower schools in Jamaica of inequality and hatred for black men. He then decided to leave Jamaica to see if blacks were treated the same way in other countries. For the next two years Garvey decided to travel around Central America to experience the black condition in several countries. Throughout his traveling experience he realize that the same conditions he found in Jamaica were the same as the one’s in Central America.He then decided to go further and decided to go a visit England. However, he was pleasantly surprised. In this particular the blacks in England were segregated like in the west. Later in life Marcus decided to move to the United States after the UNIA was established in Jamaica. Garvey felt the need that he needed to start a branch in Harlem to promote is ideas in the United States. Garvey saw Africa as having fallen from a past greatness that had to be restored for peoples of African descent to resume their rightful place in the world. Such redemption could only be achieved by black peoples themselves.After his idea remain the same , he started advocating the ideas of black. nationalists; that some blacks should move back to Africa, in order to protect Africa from imperialism. Garvey took action to begin to take blacks back to Africa. He started the Black Star Shipping Company in 1919. The company took two boatloads of people to Liberia, but had to stop after management problems. This has been coined the â€Å"back to Africa†movement. (UCLA) However, Garvey’s intent with the â€Å"back to Africa†movement was not to lead all blacks back to Africa.Rather, he thought that a strong African center of black power would protect blacks all over the wor ld from imperialism. The UNIA in the United States attracted a very large following. The membership was in the millions. The ideology of the UNIA attracted a strong working class following. The fraternal feeling and self-help ideas attracted many blacks that felt as if whites would never change to the point of equality. The working class felt the pressure of oppression most of all African-Americans. There was a small following from the black intelligentsia, but the majority of them followed W.E. B. Dubois and the NAACP. The religious content of the UNIA also appealed very strongly to people. UNIA meetings were structured like church services with prayers, services, and singing. Garvey told followers to â€Å"reject the white image of Jesus and God†.. The religion gave followers an even stronger sense of brotherhood and pride. The UNIA also had a women’s chapter, so it attracted a strong women’s following as well The UNIA appealed broadly across the African-Ameri can community through the use fraternity, religion, ideology, and an appeal to women.Garvey saw Africa as having fallen from a past greatness that had to be restored for peoples of African descent to resume their rightful place in the world. Such redemption could only be achieved by black peoples themselves In the early 1920’s is when the struggle for African American was real. During this time is when slavery was abolished, blacks were still oppresses and they were still no way equal to whites. However black people were staring to make some progress towards racial equality. During this time was a strong African American movement to further the black race.A prominent movement was lead by W. E. B Dubious. His focus was on education blacks to create quality. However on the other hand from the political spectrum was a man by the name of Marcus Garvey. In his movement he led the movement for blacks to unite as a race against oppression. The background has a strong impact on his b elief which acted as catalyst for his life’s work. The involvement has a strong influence on the black population and the African-American civil rights movement of the 1920’s.Marcus Garvey grew up in poverty, surrounded by the struggle of blacks to gain political, economic, and social equality. He devoted his life’s work to end of these struggles. He developed a set of beliefs that influenced many people and encouraged many blacks to put forth extra effort to get ahead. Marcus Garvey and the UNIA is the largest African-American movement to date. Garvey’s legacy has also been manifest in the careers of leaders ranging from Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana to Malcolm X in the United States.Borne along on the tide of black popular culture, Garvey’s memory has attained the status of a folk myth. He is daily celebrated and recreated as a hero through the storytelling faculty of the black oral tradition. As the embodiment of that oral tradition transmuted into mus ical performance, Jamaica’s reggae music exhibits an amazing fixation with the memory of Garvey. Re-evoking spiritual exile and the historic experience of black dispossession, the music of such performers as Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, and Burning Spear presents a Garvey who speaks from the past directly to the present.The result today is that the legend of Garvey functions as an icon of universal black pride and affirmation Reference Garvey, Marcus. The UNIA Papers Project. http://www. isop. ucla. edu/mgpp/lifesamp. htm. 1925 Sewell, Tony. Garvey’s Children: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey. Trenton:Africa World Press, Inc. , 1990. Stein, Judith. The World of Marcus Garvey: Race and Class in Modern Society. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1986
Friday, January 10, 2020
John’s Descriptions
Jon’s descriptions may be defined as the only Revelation that describes Antichrist. It is known that this word is not used in other Revelations. Religious communities are interested in revealing who Antichrist is and what influence he has had on religious development and bible compilation. However, Apostle John is the only person who pays attention to Antichrist. John writes that Antichrist is coming: â€Å"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us†. (1 John 2:18, 19) When John was writing the movement was already present and, therefore, John uses present to prove that the last hour has come. John defines ‘antichrists’ as ex-church member who has abandoned their faith. It means that Antichrist was a Christian, but it was no single individual. Antichrist is liar who denies Jesus the Christ, as well as Father and the Son. John writes that he is not pleased with such people as they have betrayed the real faith. The God can’t be a spirit that denies Jesus Christ. Such spirit is Antichrist and he is present in the world: â€Å"For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist†. (2 John 1:7) The teachings of Antichrist aimed at showing that Jesus had not come in the flesh. Many people believed that Christ was divine, but erroneous belief that flesh was evil prevented them from faith expansion. John argues that humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ are central to Christian faith.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Legal And Ethical Obligation Confidentiality Of Hiv...
Exceptions to the legal and ethical obligation to maintain the confidentiality of HIV-related information exist. For example, health care providers in the U.S. have a duty to report HIV infections and AIDS cases to public health authorities. The benefits to the public health of this reporting are felt to outweigh the risk to individuals. Reporting of AIDS cases has always included the patient s name and other identifying information. Although reporting of HIV infections initially was not done by name, there has been a recent and controversial movement in the U.S. toward name-based reporting of HIV infection. The debate over name-based reporting has focused on the need for more accurate epidemiological information regarding the spread of†¦show more content†¦What would you prefer? An infected surgeon or no surgeon at all. It s yet another example of the way in which well-meaning officials in a distant land can write policy guidelines which are worse than useless in a poor nat ion. But in the wealthiest nations where there is near hysteria at times over these issues, contact tracing is the standard response of a hospital when they find out a surgeon has HIV. Perhaps the most difficult dilemma occurs when there are conflicts between the clinician’s values and the client s behaviors. Professionals know that if a client threatens suicide or homicide, there is a duty to report. But most of the daily concerns that arise are not so simple. Ethical issues come up in numerous, seemingly insignificant ways. Also, I feel fidelity is a fairly simple concept that can be violated easily. When a substance abuse treatment counselor takes on a client, there is an implicit contract with the client. The contract assumes that the counselor will work to resolve the client s concerns and that information will be shared in a truthful manner between the counselor and the client. By having the client sign consent forms, the counselor is promising that the information provided will remain confidential to anyone who is not listed on the form. The client agrees to follow the agency s rules. In a professional manner I would while strongly advocating ART as the best course of action for HIV/AIDS patients, physicians mustShow MoreRelatedCounseling: An Ethical Dilemma with HIV/AIDS Essay example2398 Words  | 10 Pagessensitive information about themselves. Many times when a person is coming in for counseling the individual is vulnerable and looking to improve the quality of life. This is the reason why confidentiality is highly important in therapy. It is an essential piece that helps to create a rapport and relationship between the client and therapist. One area in which it is extremely important to explore confidentiality is when clients have HIV/AIDS and there is a third party involved. 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Suggested Citation The Joint Commission: Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care: A Roadmap for Hospitals. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission, 2010. For more information about The Joint Commission, please visit http://www.jointcommission.org. ii Table of Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................vii Introduction ................
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